Blue Matali Crasset Scented Bouquet
Blue Matali Crasset Scented Bouquet
The Matali Crasset Scented Bouquet is innovative thanks to its new and unique diffusion mode created by designer Matali Crasset. It is pre-filled with the Eternal Sap fragrance, which has a distinctive olfactory signature with its aromas of eucalyptus and clary sage, but also woody notes of patchouli. A genuine ode to nature.
Eternal Sap
Maison Berger Paris has created an olfactory signature that echoes the matali crasset collection. It is through exchanges with the designer that Sève Eternelle was born. A pure and fresh fragrance with a natural effect. It conveys a very beautiful plant transparency around notes of hay and sage. Two major natural ingredients are highlighted in this olfactory signature: Clary Sage, Indonesian Patchouli.
Head Notes
Green notes, Eucalyptus, Grapefruit
Heart Notes
Sage, Pepper mint, Aloe Vera, Lotus Flower
Base Notes
Patchouli, Musk, Hay